Local Hawaii ingredients used with an international flair^BNanette^K^H (Gone but not forgotten) 1946-2020  Email: nanette@freerangegourmet.com Tuesday, May 11, 2010Enjoy your chicken sandwich, our government is protecting all but 2.4 million of us from campylobacterby Larry Geller USA Today actually reported this with a straight face:
Safe and wholesome chicken? And our government thinks that setting the new rules above the very bad “average” level it already is really protects us against anything? It sure protects the poultry industry, of course. Ok, now what about salmonella. We’ve been warned to cook our chicken well because chances are it’s toxic when you bring it home. Same article:
So now salmonella can be allowed to increase from what it is (7.1%) to the slightly higher level of 7.5%, and that is supposed to be an improvement??
USA Today made the new standards look good. I wonder if they serve chicken salad sandwiches in their cafeteria. I wonder how many readers they lose each year to campylobacter or to salmonella poisoning? Good reporting, guys, I mean, Elizabeth. Update: I just remembered this, from The Onion (3/10/2009): |
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