Local Hawaii ingredients used with an international flair^BNanette^K^H (Gone but not forgotten) 1946-2020  Email: nanette@freerangegourmet.com Friday, November 04, 2005Hawaii Diner reports on Hawaii's ag business
If you tune in to radio news, even to our local public radio station, you'll hear lots that's relevent, of course, but lots that's not -- I've always wondered why anyone even cares about the Hang Seng Composite Index, or if the only thing that truly matters in life is how much profit the big corporations make. I was more interested in hearing something about the "Tilapia Index", or whether farmers were doing well or suffering from the bad weather.
Gail Jennings has been doing an interesting and I think important crop report as part of her Hawaii Diner podcast -- she has filled the gap and is reporting on a few things related to how our local producers are doing. By pioneering this report, she's scooped the rest of the media. So that's another good reason to tune in her podcast on your computer or grab it for your iPod or mp3 player. Speaking of Hawaii Diner, I've contributed a short article on the gentrification of Chinatown to Hawaii Diner. Read it here. |
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